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Career Coaching

No matter where you are on your career journey, these power tools for success are for those who want to level up! In three one-on-one sessions, Melissa will share and hone various career skills to keep you relevant as you transition between jobs or careers or into a post-work "rewiring" era.


Professionals will learn how to build a powerful pitch that shows your value-add and how to prepare STAR Stories to anticipate interview questions so you can land the opportunity of your dreams. 


Session 1
A Pitch with a Twist

Session 2
Networking, Tracking, Marketing Materials

Session 3
Interview Prep, Evaluating Options, Go Make Connections!

  • Identify past specialties, talents, and current interests.

  • Craft a statement with four key pieces: buzzwords of your industry, your voice, differentiate yourself and show how you add value to an organization.

  • Create a pitch that incorporates key ingredients to engage your audience, open your resume and your LinkedIn profile plus develop a verbal version to share when you have a chance! 

  • Discuss informational interviews, formulate questions, how to nurture your network, and discuss the pros and cons of resume and LinkedIn styles.

  • Examine a “Digital Rolodex” tracking system, craft a strong resume and an improved Linkedin profile plus leverage the information accessible on LI through networking. 

  • Prepare for interviews using a systemic approach, learn how FABulous you are and what are the best interview and closing questions, plus how to discuss compensation and the value of thank you notes.

  • Identify and prioritize important personal and professional goals to evaluate options 

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